3 ruby English-speaking jobs in Braga District

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  • Colonies
  • Braga
  • April 26

Ruby Objects (POROs)...Ruby Love: Ruby is our language of choice, and when it makes sense, we harness the power of Plain Old..Cutting-Edge Tech: We’re running Rails 7 with Ruby 3.2.2, paired with PostgreSQL and Sidekiq for background

  • Colonies
  • Braga
  • January 28

Ruby Objects (POROs)...Ruby Love: Ruby is our language of choice, and when it makes sense, we harness the power of Plain Old..Cutting-Edge Tech: We’re running Rails 7 with Ruby 3.2.2, paired with PostgreSQL and Sidekiq for background

  • Colonies
  • Braga
  • May 14

Ruby Objects (POROs)...Ruby Love: Ruby is our language of choice, and when it makes sense, we harness the power of Plain Old..Cutting-Edge Tech: We’re running Rails 7 with Ruby 3.2.2, paired with PostgreSQL and Sidekiq for background